Self-Initiated Movement Therapy
By providing arm weight support, the ArmeoSpring enables patients to use any remaining motor functions and encourages them to achieve a higher number of reach and grasp movements based on specific therapy goals.
As all activity during the training is based on the patient’s own movements, this repetitive training leads to better, faster results and improved long-term outcomes.
Simultaneous Arm and Hand Therapy in a 3D Workspace
The ArmeoSpring allows simultaneous arm and hand training in an extensive 3D workspace with six degrees of freedom.
This enables patients to practice the movements important for their therapy progress and daily life. The ArmeoSpring supports 1D (joint-specific), 2D and 3D movements.
Ergonomic Exoskeleton
The ergonomic and adjustable exoskeleton of the ArmeoSpring embraces the whole arm, from shoulder to hand, and counterbalances the weight of the patient’s arm.
Built-in sensors record the active movements and all joint angles during the therapy session.